1. Do not get up from the bed directly on the side – Whenever you get up from the bed, do not get up in a jiffy, it can be a danger to the unborn child, so get up with your side.
2. Do Anloam Vilom in the morning- It has been seen that women become a little irritable in nature, if a pregnant woman does Anloam Vilom early in the morning, then it keeps the mind calm and the child also healthy.
3. Don’t have tea in the morning, eat a sweet of chenna – do not drink tea before getting up in the morning because it can be harmful for the unborn child, so eat chenna before getting up in the morning, because of the nutritious elements present in the chhena like protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Calcium, Vitamin C, Iron, Phosphorous, and Fibers, etc. It will be beneficial for the health of the child.
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4. Consume pomegranate and beetroot daily- It is often seen in pregnancy that the amount of hemoglobin is correct in the beginning, but by the time of delivery, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, so if you consume pomegranate and beetroot daily. If so, you will not have a problem with hemoglobin.
Note- If you have implemented these 4 tips in your life every morning as a pregnant woman, then believe that the mind is calm and there is no decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, and both the child and the mother will be healthy.
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